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Showing posts from July, 2012

The White River 50

Just ran the White River 50 . I love this race. It's my second time doing it. The White River 50 is in my opinion best started at 5.3o in the Am. In this case I am starting it with the predawn cover of West Coast stratus/fog/goop...part of the annual Summer tradition in these parts. I wait to start the run with my new friend Jess of the Mas Loco Tribe. We are both stoked to try out our new Luna Sandals . Barefoot Ted has given them new names but I can't remember what they are... Wierdly it's as if Ted is with us, his Monkey Spirit Alter whispers in our ears... Chill man... Take it easy.... Run like a human... Try out these sweet all natural coco nibs... we deem your new sandals the El means the soul sucking goat ... I snap back to reality and Scott our race organizer and everyone's friend starts us off. My fiance standing on the side of the runway waves at me and wishes me good luck. I wave goodbye. She crashes back into our tent and sle...

Leadville Trail 100

Update: Oct 23rd 2012- Race Review In the end I ran 43 miles of the course and 46 miles total. Race organizers told me on the way up to Hope Pass that I had no chance of making the next cutoff. That and I was dead tired, a thunderstorm was moving in, I had no appropriate clothing for such an eventuality, and I hadn't eaten sufficiently or filled up my water pack. With injured runners needing help getting back to twin lakes I elected to not try for Hope Pass. It had been an amazing experience and I now had the knowledge that much more training would be needed for a Leadville finish; I saw no point in risking life or injury just to find out what I was made of when there was no chance of finishing. In reviewing my experience of Leadville the first thing I'd say is that I can't wait to go back. I'm currently re-tooling and working on my 'chi-running' to get faster and far more efficient. What did me in at Leadville was the elevation. The course itself I f...