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Showing posts from April, 2014

Yakima Skyline Rim 25k Race Review

Can't really beat a shot like that from Glenn Tachiyama . Check out his website for photos to purchase here . Yakima Sky line hill Rim 25k was one tough 25k. I finished in 3:23:54 but not before the basalt ridden course had thoroughly tested my trail sandals. I haven't run on a more hazardous rock than Eastern Washington basalt - it feels like coral. The Luna Oso mid-sole is tougher than many a trail race shoe and came through it all looking only slightly less pretty. Many regular minimalists put their old, heavy clod-stopping, brick-like trail runners back on for this race. But not me, Luna's were my best choice even for this tough race. I'm pretty proud of finishing this tough 25k in the 72nd percentile with my Luna's strapped firmly and securely to my two soft-skinned feet. I'll start this off by saying that Yakima Skyline 50k and 25k is destined to be, if it is not already, a Rainshadow Running classic. It was indeed warm, dry, difficult an...

Running for Recovery: Training for my first 100 mile ultra marathon.

I run for a lot of reasons. One of the chief reasons is that it augments my mental health. When I run my body feels good and my brain feels better. Plus it lets me eat a little which is one of my favorite things. That and running a local 50 miler is a far easier task today than just getting through a day was 15 years ago. So I run. Something else related to me and my various addictions: I'll have the temptation to grasp on to my 100 miler just like I grasp onto that entire pint of Ben and Jerry's. Whether it's the IMTUF 100 or Stagecoach 100 or Leadville I'll grasp onto a far off goal like a distraction I cave and lose sight of the clear and ever present moment. What's fun about running is being on the trail and how I feel while I'm doing it and immediately after. So may I stop grasping and just start doing. May I be in the moment more with eyes on the horizon less. The last time I got fixated on a good horizon view in the WR50 my f...